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{{ service.note }}
Nothing left in the list. We'll let you know when it's ready.
{{ formAppointment.service.max_capacity }} slot available
The slot is not available, please choose another time.
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{{ formAppointment.service.title }} {{ formAppointment.service.is_show_duration || formAppointment.service.is_show_price ? '(' : '' }}{{ formAppointment.service.is_show_duration ? displayDuration(formAppointment.service) : '' }}{{ formAppointment.service.is_show_duration && formAppointment.service.is_show_price ? ' @ ' : '' }}{{ formAppointment.service.is_show_price ? currency + formAppointment.service.price : '' }}{{ formAppointment.service.is_show_duration || formAppointment.service.is_show_price ? ')' : '' }} on {{ formatDate(formAppointment.start_date) }} at {{ formAppointment.start_time }}
Pay deposit {{ currency + formAppointment.service.deposit_price }} to confirm your slot.
Pay full price {{ currency + formAppointment.service.price }} to confirm your slot.